New Low Aging OCXO Technology

Aging data (20 days)
Typical aging curves of the advanced low-power OCXOs

Excellent timing solution for high-end up-to-date equipment, especially with battery supply.

Xtal Ball has created low aging OCXO technology which allows for considerable improvement of the long-term stability (aging) of its XBO8, XBO14 and XBO20 models to below 1 ppb per month level.

Together with less than 100 mW consumption, miniature sizes and high short term stability these devices have perfect frequency control and timing solution for high-end up-to-date equipment, especially with battery supply.

SA65 atomic clock vs XBO20S
  • 1 ppb/month
  • 90 mW at 25 C
  • 5E-13/1s AD
  • 8 ccm volume

For some up-to-date applications, the underwater seismic geology exploration, for instance, these OCXOs can be attractive alternative to the Chip Sclale Atomic Clocks (SA45s and SA65 models) as having similar aging rate and power consumption at much better Allan Deviation (AD) and cost factor.